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About Us

Vibha Gandhi, the founder of Srajak Career Consultancy, is a Certified Career Analyst and NLP Practitioner, also an MBA with a specialization in HR and IT. Have 15 years of work experience with reputed MNCs, in the field of Training and Development, Quality assurance and Customer service. . With the enriched experience, she is aware of the challenges faced by students and understands the importance of career counselling that can support to select the most suitable career path. She is dedicated and passionate about her work, and mentor’s teenagers and professionals with best-suited career choices, appropriate courses, internship and entrance exams to achieve their professional dreams. Offers personalized guidance to help individuals identify their strengths and weaknesses, defines their career goals, and develop a strategy to achieve them.

Key Services

Career Counseling, Professional counseling
Email :-
Mobile :- 8516912369
Address :- 5/1 Daimond colony Indore