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About Us

Dr. K. Balraju is the founder and chairman of Shri Sandipani Academy established in 2015. He is also an Award winning Coach , Entrepreneur, International Author & Motivational Speaker. His primary focus is on providing high-quality education that instills good values and ethics in students. He believes that education is the key to unlocking the potential of every student and enabling them to succeed in life. His company's mission is to create a learning environment that is conducive to the growth and development of every student, regardless of their background. Through his commitment to providing value education, Dr.K.Balraju has made a significant impact on the lives of many students in India. Being in this field for more than 12 years, he realized that the main reason for suicides and depression in education sector is due to wrong selection of path after 10th. He strongly believes that students need right guidance to choose their career based on scientific methods. Taking the mission of helping lakhs of students select right career based on their in-built potential, scope of different careers in future and the interest of student, he has started this venture in 2023.

Key Services

Life Coach , Career Guidance, Career Counselling, Biometric Analysis, Psychometric Analysis, Art of Parenting
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